12 African American Homeschoolers You Should Be Following

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Are you looking for representation in the homeschooling community? You are not alone! I am sharing a list of 12 African American Homeschoolers you should be following.

12 African American Homeschoolers You Should Be Following

I am a firm believer that diversity and inclusion matters. I was recently talking to a friend about how, when I first started on this homeschooling path, it was challenging to find fellow homeschoolers who looked like me or came from a similar background. I felt a significant disconnect because I am Latina. While I do love all my homeschool sisters and enjoy learning from every one of them, I did become aware that most of the homeschoolers I was following in the very beginning were white. I yearned to see diversity running homeschooling communities. I wanted to see someone like myself, who, maybe, walked a similar path that I have. That is part of the reason why I started sharing our homeschool journey for my fellow Latina’s and minorities. After spending some time on this homeschool journey, I noticed that African American homeschoolers were not limited, maybe I was naive or looking in all the wrong places for people to relate to, but eventually, I realized I wasn’t alone. If you are new to this homeschool thing and are looking for some great homeschoolers, then I urge you to follow these lovely ladies. Before I share these 12 African American homeschoolers, you should be following. Please pin this post to your homeschooling board so many more people can follow these amazing women.

Latonya from Joy in the Ordinary

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June 19, 2020 I remember when we all went to public school. It was a struggle for each of us for different reasons. For me, I struggled with being tamed. Y'all I didn't make my school kids say the pledge or put their hands on their hearts. I am a word person and a Believer so it felt wrong to make a pledge to an object or place. That was probably one of many reasons I wasn't asked to come back the next school year. My freedom to choose was something I couldn't give up, and it is a message I pass on to anyone who will listen. I don't celebrate holidays because it's a choice I made long ago. Even though I don't make a big deal out of most special days, there are a few that cause me to take time to reflect and work on being better like today, #Juneteenth. I am grateful for those who came before that fought as much as they could, prayed, and had hope. I know resilience was passed on to me through them, and because they fought I am fighting in ways that may not be as loud or as visible, but I believe that an impact will be made. I encourage you to keep doing your part, showing up, and fighting. I know I will for myself, husband, my daughters, and the generations to come.

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Latonya is a homeschool mom blogger from Nashville. She shares inspiration, practical tips about making the most out of life and teaches us to be accountable. Latonya is an outschool teacher, teaching art and math classes.

Camille from The Intuitive Homeschooler

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Just some Black homeschooled kids and their mama enjoying popsicles on the front porch of their home after returning from a bike ride around the neighborhood. 💁🏽‍♀️👦🏾👧🏽🚲🏡 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Sometimes I just have to stop and think about how blessed my life has been. Both my husband and I are from strong, revolutionary Black families that have allowed us to walk this Earth with reverence for them, wisdom and fortitude from them, and a vision to make things better for our children. We’re busting stereotypes left and right simply by breathing, living, and learning. Our lives are indeed divine, and no one can tell me differently. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Being Black is a blessing, not a burden. I love us and have always been and will always be for my people. It’s the reason I share like I do. I want other Black families to see us and know that they can homeschool, too. It’s a part of my legacy, I suppose. We all need to see people who look like us doing things that we want to do or never even knew we could do. You may be doing that for others and you don’t even know it. Be what you want to see in the world, y’all. And amen.🖤

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Camille is a homeschool mom blogger whose approach on homeschooling is what we all need to hear. She believes that homeschooling is an opportunity to get to know your children on a deeper level as well as an opportunity to get to know yourself.

Amber from Heritage Mom

Amber is a homeschool mom who blogs over at Heritage Mom where she shares much more than just homeschooling . She shares about parenting, travel, social justice, christianity in addition to homeschooling. She focuses on the Charlotte Mason approach to homeschooling and will be speaking at the upcoming Charlotte Mason Conference.

Marie from The Simple Homeschool Lifestyle

Marie is a writer and a homeschool mom. I love how she shares the homeschool lifestyle as something much more than school at home and more of a way of life, showing us how to merge homeschooling into our way of life. We are always learning!

Sanya from Sprinkles and Dirt

Sanya is a fairly new blogger but I love her honesty and authenticity. She keeps it real, talking about how it feels to be a stay at home mom as well as giving us fun activities to do with our babies and toddlers.

Sheree from Diary Of A Homeschool Family

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Teaching my children to leave their mark on this world by trusting God and sharing their light is the most important lesson we want to teach. I absolutely love any book that reinforces this lesson which is why I was so thankful when we were blessed with this book "The 3B's from @my1stbook_the3bs !! It was the perfect story to share with my kiddos! . . . . . . . #homeschool #homeschoolling #homeschoolmom #homeschooled #homeschooler #homeschoolroom #homeschoolers #homeschoolmum #homeschoolblogger #homeschoolblog #homeschoolcommunity #homeschoolfamily #homeschooldays #homeschooliscool #homeschoollife #homeschoolmama #homeschoolingfamily #homeschoolingrocks #homescoollifestyle #homeschoolcurriculum #homeschoolkids #homeschoolmoms #homeschoolersofinstagram #homeschoolinspiration #teacher #teacherlife #teachersofinstagram #blackhomeschoolers #readingtime

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Sheree is a homeschool mom of two and a fairly new blogger as well. If her instagram feed doesn’t motivate and inspire you on its own, she offers homeschool tips and resources over on her site. Sheree believes learning should be fun and full of play.

Andrea from African American Homeschool Moms

Andrea is a homeschool mom of three. She shares homeschool tips and information as well as resources.

Diona from All Day Everyday Mom

Diona is a homeschool mom who shares about homeschooling. planning and crafting on her Youtube channel.

Jacquelin from A Stable Beginning

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These two keep me young! #astablebeginning

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Jacquelin shares beautiful photography of her family’s homeschooling journey as well as a variety of curriculum reviews on her blog.

Belinda from A Blessed Heritage Chronicles

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There are many who have joined me in my corner of the internet during the last couple of weeks. I suppose I should introduce myself, eh?? I am Belinda, wearer of many hats, but when you see me on these cyber streets, I am primarily a wife and mom, a mompreneur, a homeschooling parent of about 16 years and a dance mom for a few more years than that. I am married to my very best friend for almost 30 years now, and we have three fantastic kids–two of our children have "graduated" from our homeschool, completed college degrees and moved on as professionals in their passions. Our youngest will enter her senior year of high school in the fall. Out of our own homeschooling experience and study of American history, I began writing a history curriculum. That was 2004, and today we are leaders in the marketplace for what we do, praise God. A Blessed Heritage (link in bio) was birthed for our children to understand their contribution as African-Americans, to delve into the stories that exist past the traditional narrative that we all know. I also wanted them to realize their greatness in the context of the world around them, and to recognize history as a complex study of relationships and associated actions between many diverse groups of people. Most importantly, I wanted them to understand that all history is a glimpse of God's plan, even the parts where a deeper level of trust is required because we don't understand what happened or why. I am an increasingly avid gardener; it's health and exercise, it's therapy, and it is a way to bless my family and those around us with healthy, nutritious food when the words "food insecurity" and "sustainability" fill our headlines daily. So, if you are looking for lots of pictures of cute kids on field trips or working through creatively animated lesson plans, you are in the wrong place. But if it's encouragement and inspiration you seek, or ideas in managing a home with Godly grace and strength, or an actual experience rather than just an opinion with older kids transitioning from homeschool, I am right here, and I'm happy that you came.

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Belinda is a veteran homeschooler who shares tons of advice and encouragement over on her blog.

Nakia from The Washington Family

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Becoming a mom at 20 has taught me the true meaning of being selfless. Every decision I make, I think twice about how it will impact me and how it will impact my family. I never thought at the age of 22 I would start staying home with my children AND homeschool my children. I was always active in my children’s learning since they were babies and when my son was in a school setting daycare, I was that mom that asked the teacher 1,000 questions. I remember in prayer feeling this tug on me to stay home and teach my children, and to be honest I didn’t even know what homeschool was. In my community, it’s very rare. But one thing I don’t play around with is my relationship with God. What He says, I Do. Where he says go, I go. Even if I don’t understand it yet. It didn’t make sense to homeschool yet since we were living in a shelter and I had just got a good paying job along with my husband working. But I was obedient & God blew my mind away. . I’ve grown so much in motherhood; learning everyday what dying to flesh & being selfless truly is, for as we all know, this journey is not a walk in the park, but it is definitely a rewarding one. 💕

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Nakia shares her life as a homeschool family, curriculum reviews as well as educational resources over on her Youtube channel.

Syreena from The Fallco Family

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{{ SAVE/SHARE THIS POST… }} it might be uncomfortable… you might say the wrong things… it might keep you up at night + there may be a lump that moves from the pit of your stomach to the bottom of your throat… BUT, KEEP TRYING!!! . . pray, search for knowledge, seek wisdom, and then… STAND!!! disrupt the pattern. learn to look for “different” with eyes of wonder + delight. moms/dads make the best kind of teachers whether TEACHERS OF HATE or TEACHERS OF LOVE, we get to CHOOSE… i hope you CHOOSE LOVE! . . my name is @syreenab , my husband is brian and we’ve been married for 14 years as of june 10 2020. we have three beautiful BLACK children, cameron (11), kendall (9), and savannah (6). we are a purpose-driven homeschooling, film-making family of five. our dream is to raise our tiny “film-makers” & “journalist” to explore and discover the world around us with loving, compassionate hearts/minds… to seek + speak the TRUTH in LOVE! we believe that LIFE (not curriculum) is FULL OF LESSONS, so #weliveandwelearn🌱the NUMBER ONE question i get from anyone that has reached out to me for insight, guidance/advice on educating their babies at home has been, “how do you get your children to LOVE to learn?!?”. and, my answer is… IT IS MY DREAM!!! . . it is my DREAM that MY BLACK FAMILY will be known by our LOVE, by the CONTENT OF OUR CHARACTER …. ANNNNDDDDD the COLOR OF OUR SKIN (b/c it matters)!!! MY GODDDDD, he made us all so BEAUTIFULLY DIFFERENT IN EVERY WAY. to deny us equality & humanity is to miss out on the richness of an ABUNDANT LIFE that diversity provides. i 100% believe that my children LOVE TO LEARN because… i LOVE TO LEARN and i LEAD THEM with that same teachable spirit & curious heart/mind. . . i’m not your “typical” #homeschool influencer. i avoid sharing how to’s, tips/tricks, & pre-planned homeschool encouragement. it’s just not me. i share our #homeschoolstories while learning right beside them. i’ve been studying, writing, hone my gift of photography & film-making for several years now in hopes of painting a picture and telling a story that no one else can tell, & find purpose in infusing those things into our homeschool life (con’t in comments)

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Syreena creates beautiful content sharing the ups and downs of the homeschooling journey offering tips to help deal with real life struggles and make homeschooling fun.

It Don’t Matter What Color You Are

Honestly, it doesn’t matter what color you are. These are some brilliant, beautiful ladies who share so much information, tips, encouragement, and resources for their fellow homeschoolers. While I love diversity and representation, I also just love to see what my fellow homeschoolers are up to in their homeschool. I also love learning from everyone. If you are a homeschooler, you probably feel the same way. I am working on a list of Latina homeschoolers as well, so stay tuned.

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