Answering Your Homeschooling Questions

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Answering Your Homeschool Questions

Answering Your Homeschool Questions

Today we are jumping into your homeschool questions! I recently received a few questions about myself and about homeschooling so I decided that I would answer them in a post so everyone can benefit from them.  Let’s jump in!


What led me to homeschool?

My daughter retained knowledge like a little sponge when she was a baby, and I loved teaching her. We found ourselves on a journey in early childhood education. I read A LOT to her; we played with books and lots of learning activities and games. Our early education (toddler homeschool) and her natural genius caused her to be “advanced” academically. We ended up getting her tested, and she qualified for the gifted and talented program. Therefore we tried public school for first grade. The school and teachers were amazing, but they didn’t meet her academic needs, there was no challenge for her. Therefore we decided to officially homeschool for second grade and beyond.


How long have you been homeschooling?

Well if you count doing early education activities with the kids, toddler school, preschool at home, then I have been homeschooling for about ten years. If you don’t count any of that, then I will be homeschooling for four years now (in the video I said three years but this year is our 4th year homeschooling).


What are some must-knows for homeschooling in New York?


Well, we are New York, so of course it has to be intimidating, but honestly, it isn’t that bad. The mandatory paperwork is relatively simple when you break it down and take it step by step. Filling out the IHIP, Quarterly Reports, etc. are something you shouldn’t stress about; The DOE (Department of Education) is not going through everything with a fine-tooth comb. They are just making sure you are doing what is necessary for your child. Ultimately it is all up to you. It isn’t that bad to homeschool in New York.



What are the must-haves to homeschooling successfully?


I know you wanted to know the tools, books, supplies, curricula, electronics, and so on that are needed for a successful homeschool. However, nothing like that is necessary, and what works for one person may not work for another. Without knowing about your child, how they learn, and so on, I can’t tell you what will work for them. What I can tell you are things that have worked for us and the benefits of different materials.


My must-haves are an open mind; you need to be open to trying new things.


Flexibility, things are bound to happen that you will have to be able to go with the flow.


Kindness, kindness for yourself, and your kids; There are tons of pressure on you, and your kids to make homeschooling work and to meet milestone and so on. Give yourself grace and be kind to your kids.


It was a lot of fun to answer these questions for you, I hope I was able to help you out. Let me know if you have any more homeschooling questions in the comments below!





What are your answers to these questions? Do you have any more questions for me? Let me know in the comments below!

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Answering Your Questions




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