Learning ASL in your homeschool with Mr. D Math

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Learning ASL in your homeschool with Mr. D Math

Are you looking to add a foreign language to your homeschool? Is your child interested in American Sign Language? Recently, we found ourselves in this spot. My daughter showed interest in learning ASL. Since my knowledge is limited, I needed to outsource classes to meet my children’s needs and interests. We have recently started using Mr. D Math, a platform that provides superb live and self-paced courses that are not just math classes. For example, my daughter is taking Mr. D Math ASL 1. Before I share all the details, please take a moment to pin this post to your homeschool board.

*Disclaimer, this post is sponsored by Mr. D Math, I was compensated for my time, all opinions are 100% my own honest opinions and I wasn’t required to post a positive review. You can read my full disclosure here.

My daughter learned some very basic ASL when she was little. We are taking baby, toddler, preschool years. I thought her interest in it had faded but was pleasantly surprised that she wanted to reawaken and continue building her knowledge of ASL. 

Why Learn ASL?

Research has shown that critical thinking, listening, and problem-solving are elevated in children who learn a second language. Learning a foreign language also helps stimulate creative thinking. Learning ASL is the natural language of almost half a million deaf people in the US and Canada. ASL is also widely used among hearing people as well.

Here are a few benefits of our children learning ASL:

  • ASL can help babies, toddlers, and children with speech delays communicate better and sooner.
  • ASL leads to higher reading levels in children.
  • Native ASL signers have enhanced spatial reasoning.
  • ASL brings long-term cognitive benefits.
  • ASL is used around the globe
  • The ability to communicate with millions of people, especially deaf and hearing impaired communities, over 5% of the world’s population.

Mr. D Math ASL Class

The Mr.D Math ASL courses go above and beyond. They not only instruct students on the signs and language but also incorporate deaf history and etiquette into the class. 

Mr. D Math’s self-paced ASL class is perfect for students who want to learn American Sign Language for their high school language credit or pursue a career in interpreting. (They also offer an elementary class for younger children.)

Mr. D Math Self-Paced Homeschool Classes

If you know me, then you know I love self-paced courses. While live classes are fantastic, sometimes they are hard to fit into our busy schedule. 

Lessons are short and sweet. While being highly thought out, you can pause, speed up, slow down and rewatch as needed. That brings so much power to the student—no need to ask the instructor to go through that again. Just simply rewatch as many times as you need to master it. 

I have sat with my daughter through most of the lessons, as I have been interested in picking up some ASL along the way. Also, to help her practice, she picks it up so much faster than I do. Still, it is great to log in, watch the lessons, submit work, and communicate with instructors easily.

Benefits of Using Mr. D. Math Self-Paced Classes

Simple to Use Portal

Mr. D Math provides an e-learning portal, one place to access your courses. This portal is set up to make it easy for students to successfully and confidently navigate everything with ease. There are video tutorials that walk you through setting up your profile, navigating your courses, news, help sessions, and more. 

The portal is also easily accessible on a PC, tablet, or even phone if needed.

No Pressure

While some assignments and quizzes need to be graded, there is no unnecessary pressure on students. They can control how fast or slow they consume content. They can practice as much as they want without the pressure of needing to understand it right away. They can submit everything when they are ready. 

This flexibility is impressive if you are a family who likes to travel. There are no strict schedules or deadlines, making it easy to incorporate into your life. 

Help Sessions

There are optional monthly help sessions available for students, allowing them to ask questions, meet fellow students and engage with their instructor. These help sessions are a precious benefit of Mr. D Math courses. In a recent help class, the class learned how to sign the lyrics to Encanto’s “We Don’t Talk about Bruno”. These kinds of fun activities make learning more engaging.

Variety of Courses

Mr.D Math classes can work for every family. There are a majority of math classes available. Many of the courses offered are suitable for high school credit. 

Self-Paced Courses offered include:

Mr. D Math is a fantastic program that offers high-quality courses that keep learning fun and exciting. They even have student contests and giveaways, which helps to keep students engaged and excited about the classes.

The instructors are approachable and personable, excellent when taking any course, especially online courses. 

The self-paced ASL course was the perfect addition to our homeschool. If you are looking for fun, high-quality classes for your homeschool, check out Mr. D Math and all the fantastic courses they offer. 

For more wisdom on homeschooling, make sure to check out Mr. D’s Podcast A Plus Parents

Learning ASL in your homeschool with Mr. D Math Video

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