Teach Your Baby Math with BrillKids Little Math
Teaching Your Baby Math with BrillKids Little Math
Have you ever heard of BrillKids? When we began our journey of Early Education it is a company that we have come across and fell in love with. My daughter has been a sponge for knowledge since a very early age. She learned to read rapidly and I wanted her to have a great foundation in Math because I didn’t have one of my own. This is where I began my journey to teach my baby math.
What is BrillKids?
BrillKids is an early learning company based in Hong Kong. Their company is comprised of a combination of individuals from diverse backgrounds and nationalities including individuals from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the Philippines, and other parts of Asia.
It is a wonderful group of people who are passionate about what they do and you can see this in their work and in their communication. What attracted me to the company was that they were offering a ton of information for free. They have a wonderful forum which has helped me out numerous times. They believe that we, as parents, can do a great deal to help our children fulfill their innate potential, while also ensuring that the learning process remains fun for
both parent and child. Read more about their amazing community here.
I love that their company aims to give every parent and child in the world a chance to enjoy their products, regardless of their socio-economic status and background. They have member loyalty points which you receive from being active in the community which gives less affluent families an alternative way to acquire their products. They also work extremely hard to make their products available in a wide range of languages.
How we got started with Little Math
Little Math is the first product I purchased from BrillKids. I started my interest in early education, teaching my baby because of the Your Baby Can program. My daughter really blossomed with Your Baby Can and so I started searching for more things I can do. I found a ton of information on BrillKids and saw they had products. I looked into Little Math first because that was what I wanted to teach, she had Your Baby Can Read and was learning how to read with help from that. I have HUGE math issues! So I wanted to help her avoid this if possible.
What is Little Math
Little Math teaches early numeracy which develops through early experiences with mathematical information. It helps give a positive attitude towards math because it being taught early and in a fun way. It teaches quantity by showing a number of images and telling you what it is, it also teaches numeral recognition by showing the actual number. After teaching quantity and numbers it begins to teach operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
My Opinion
My personal opinion on Little Math is that it is a good product. It takes Math flashcards to the next level. I love that it is customizable, that there is some room to work with it. Isabella used it for many years and Anthony still uses it. Both started when they were really young, around 1 year. The issue that I have with it is at some point the kids start to lose interest in the program. While the program takes about five minutes a day, it may be hard to get them to focus and be engaged for those five minutes.
Taking control of the lessons through customization does help when/ if your child loses interest. I have downloaded, created, uploaded and used different icons, voices, and arrangements of content. I like that you can do this. I like that all of BrillKids programs grow with your child. You can create and modify lessons and really make it personal.
Try it for yourself!
I recommend this product, as well as all BrillKids products as I have seen my children learn and grow so much from using them. Both of my children have developed, excelled and grown to enjoy math. Both have the ability to recognize quantities rapidly. Check out their website site yourself, take advantage of the free trials and see how you and your child like it. I am an affiliate for BrillKids, so if you use my link I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase. However, you can also save 10% off with the coupon code BKAFF30533.